Thursday, April 30, 2009

Without Embarrassment...The Social Coward's Totally Fearless Seduction System

Look, there's no sense in tap-dancing around the issue any longer... Without Embarrassment is by far the best book that you're going to find anywhere on the net when it comes to addressing the single most important element of any man's romantic success -- those devilish misguided thoughts that go on deep inside your head where it relates to matters of the heart.

I'm especially talking about that galaxy of mojo-stealing ruminations and fears which are based upon deeply-seated internalized shame and self-hatreds. These monsters can quietly begin to take over your consciousness until they eventually ruin entire aspects of your life.
nd in no place is this more apparent than in your personal relationships. Or lack thereof.

My extraordinary Fearless Seduction System is where your journey up and away from the depths of Low Status Male hell begins for you... that lonely place of bullying, mockery and social awkwardness. Get ready to take a deep dive into the tangled depths of your own consciousness and learn how to identify, confront and ultimately drive out the demons that've kept your social life locked in a prison of frustration.

Just take a look at the vast spectrum of topics addressed in Without Embarrassment:

Rejection Sensitivity Dissected & Analyzed Fearlessness and the Female Mating Call Subliminal First Impressions Nice Guys and Pointless Chatter Genetic X-Factors Male Dominance Exposed Characteristics of High Male Status and the Effect that it has on Women Seven Examples of How Women Silently Judge You Your Secretly Shamed Affection Needs The Mechanics of Internalized, TOXIC Shame Breaking the vice-grip of Self-Hatred NLP Tricks to Ignite Your Early Social Breakthroughs Comfortable Friends, Uncomfortable Lovers The Dilemma of the Passive Nice Guy Seven Reasons Why you end up Friends Instead of Lovers The Essentials of Flirting and Non-Verbal Signaling Ten Conversational Bedrock Rules The Trick to getting Yourself Noticed by Women Rejection-Proof 7 Step Process for First Contact Visuals, Auditories and Kinesthetics Reading Female Personality Types by Watching How they Move their Eyes Body language and the Romantic Trance Essential Flirting: 19 Element Cheat Sheet Disclosing Your Sexual Interest Correctly Critical Assumptions that Must Be Expressed in Your Attitude Delivering a Knockout First Kiss Delivering on Her 4 Primary Emotional Needs Getting YOUR 4 Primary Emotional Needs Addressed Getting a Woman Addicted to You Living Like a Man vs. a Boy Cayman Magic... a Fictional Pickup Scenario Step-by-Step Dissection of Cayman Magic's Lessons The 7 Mega-Rules of Relationships The Fun and Fantastic 25-Question Dominant Male Test... Discover Your Social I.Q. here!.....Click Here!

Discover Proven Flirty Text Messages.

Texting has become a huge part of being able to create attraction with women. I have seen to many men fall short of sending the right messages.

When you can send the right flirty message you will...

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Discover what kind of comments women love to hear. Then you can apply those comments in real life, personal/dating sites and texting time and time again.
You will save a ton of time because you won't have to rack your brain trying to figure out the right words to say.
Have more women desiring to be with you because most men don't really know how to send flirty text message to women.
What I am about to show you is going to surprise you. Texting is a lot more then just a communication device, it's the new way of creating attaction.

To your dating success.....Click Here!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When it comes to Love, if you're like most women,you've been deceived... and maybe more deeply than you've realized.

You've been misled.


Lied to, even.

Not necessarily by men (though of course that happens)-- but lied to about men.

Lied to, by well-meaning people, about how men think and feel... and about how to create and nurture true passion and true connection.

So that sense of connection you've waited for has stayed just out of reach. Or, worse, it's been there--and then fizzled out.

Now, despite what some people have told you, you know there's no Prince Charming, there's no savior on horseback coming to sweep you away to a castle. You know that, and you're okay with it.

But isn't there something better? Something better than you've had so far? Something better than what you see around you all the time--all the "happy" couples, the look of that woman who insists that everything's fine, but who you can sense is as bored and edgy and frustrated as a tigress in a cage?

Hasn't there always been the suggestion--faint, but inescapable--that if you are just good enough, and nice enough, and loving enough, and faithful enough, and, well, everything enough, that Mr. Right will come along? And that Mr. Right will act the right way? And that Mr. Right will stick around?

Sorry to say ladies, but you weren't told the truth. As some of you know it's very difficult to find a "nice guy" let alone Mr. Right. The days of Cinderella are only in the books and we have to be very careful of who we associate ourselves with.

How many of you have gone out for a dinner and a movie only to get bullied into a "passionate" kiss when all you wanted to do is say goodnight? Men don't realize or just don't care to think that not all women see a simple date as a way to leap into the sheets with someone you really don't know that well. Now i'm not saying all men are out to get what they want , but the ones that do end up wrecking things for the ones that are legitimately nice.

What i can't seem to understand is why it's so difficult to show respect to someone you supposedly "like". Not all encounters with the opposite sex are doorways to sex, sorry to be the one to tell you.

What do women want? We want to be treated with respect and understanding. We want the person to WANT to be there, not put on an act to satisfy their own needs.

Think about that....