Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Did He Really Say?

by Dustin Goot

1. When he says "I'll call you" …

He means "I may call you." This line isn't the slam dunk most women make it out to be. Besides being genuinely interested, there are a slew of reasons why a guy might ask for a number. He needs an ego boost. He wants a quick way to end the conversation. He bet his buddy he could score more digits. The thing to remember here is that if he's into you, he will find a way to call. And, no, e-mailing, Facebooking or Twittering at him in the meantime isn't going to help your case. Give the guy a chance to pursue you — if he doesn't, he's not the one for you anyway.

2. When he says "I like your shirt/necklace/shoes" …

He means, "You look good." He may have an ulterior motive when he compliments you, but that doesn't make the praise any less sincere. The fact is, men are generally terrible at false flattery. Instead of accusing us of feeding you a line, just feel good about the fact that we've noticed something about you that's attractive and memorable. Just don't ask us to remember the brand of those cute shoes.

3. When he says "I've been busy lately" …

If you've dated less than six months, he means: "I've lost interest in you." If you've dated longer than that, he means "I like you, but I need to focus on other things." Usually, this is the classic guy blow-off, but there are exceptions. If you've dated for a few months and your guy is usually there for you, don't hit the panic button over his recent short bouts of inattention.

4. When he says, "I need some space" …

He means, "This relationship is moving too fast." Nobody's thrilled to hear this one, but "I need space" isn't always the kiss of death. Often men get excited about a new relationship and then struggle to turn down the temperature when they're suddenly seeing you six nights a week. First, confirm that he still wants to date. Any answer besides yes means you should take your toothbrush and get out of there, ASAP. Once that's confirmed, revert to early courtship behavior. Make him schedule thoughtful dates in order to see you. If the spark returns, still insist on a couple of girls-only nights a week for the next several months.

5. When he says "I love spending time with you" …

He means, "I love you … I think." Guys are notoriously hesitant about dropping the L-bomb outright. When your man starts talking about how he loves specific aspects of the relationship, that's probably his way of dipping his toe in those waters. You should feel good about where things stand, even if the three magic words aren't directly uttered.

6. When he says "I don't believe in marriage" …

He means "I'm not going to marry you." This is one of those maddening statements you simply can't overanalyze. He may truly oppose the institution. He may be immature. He may not care for you deeply enough. In any case, you have a better chance of making out with Brad Pitt than waiting for him to "come around." Either enjoy his company for what it is or move on.

7. When he says, "I don't feel like it tonight" …

He means, "I don't feel like it tonight." It's hard not to take sexual refusal personally, but if you're with a guy you've been sleeping with regularly, you really shouldn't. Men don't enjoy sex with a woman one day and suddenly find her undesirable the next. Unless the problem persists, it means only that he's tired or stressed — or both. Give him a massage instead and wait for his libido to rebound in a day or two.

8. When he says "I want this to last forever" …

He means "I'm really happy right now." Most things a guy says about the future should be taken with a grain of salt.That doesn't mean men are unreliable jerks. But it does mean that when it comes to relationship stability, you should look at what your guy is doing instead of focusing on what he's saying. Is he physically affectionate? Does he remember things that are important to you? Does he support you when you need it?

10 Dating Truths You Can't Ignore

By Holly Eagleson

Truth #1: You'll regret that "Just wanted to make sure you got my last message" follow-up to an e-mail, text, or voicemail.

Truth #2: If you don't feel comfortable having a conversation with a guy about sex — especially condoms — you shouldn't be getting busy with him.

Truth #3: If a man breaks up with you out of the blue, the out-of-the-blue part is really only on your end.

Truth #4: Just as it's best to wait to drop the L-bomb until your man does, let a guy change his Facebook status to "in a relationship" before you do.

Truth #5: No woman in a healthy long-term relationship has ever said, "Gee, I really wish I'd slept with him sooner."

Truth #6: Keeping a change of clothes at work in case of an emergency walk of shame isn't optimistic behavior … it's career-savvy.

Truth #7: When a guy repeatedly refers to his exes as "crazy," "psycho," or "sluts," he will use those same words against you one day.

Truth #8: If a relationship feels like too much work after the first month, it'll be 10 times harder a year from now.

Truth #9: A guy who rates you or other girls as a number from 1 to 10 is a loser, even if he gives you a 10. You're a woman, not county fair livestock.

Truth #10: A guy who talks about how skilled he is in the sack is like a man who brags about his money. Either way, he ain't got it. The kind of man you want to be with knows that actions speak louder than words. And thankfully, there are plenty of those types out there!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

19 Ways To A Girls Heart

1. Hugs from behind.
2. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other(don't make her grab yours).
3. When standing, wrap your arms around her.
4. Cuddle with her.
6. Write little notes.
7. Compliment her Honestly.
8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
9. Be super sweet to her.
10. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
11. Comfort her when she cries.
12.Wipe away her tears
13. Love her with all your heart.
14. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it).
15. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her).
16. Don't let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back 2 her!
& DONT ever act diff in front of ur friends than u r when its just u and her!!!!
17. Take her for a long walk at night!
18. Always bring a blanket where ever you go outside when its cold to comfort her and hold her close
19. NEVER LIE TO HER!!!!!! because then she will think everything you ever said to her was a lie, even "i love you"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How to Wreck Your Chances Before You Even Meet In Person...

Hello All....

I was sitting around thinking of something that really puts a wrench in most online dating and one thing that comes to mind is chatting. Chatting is a great way to get to know someone (kind of) before actually meeting them in person, but it could also mean a quick crash and burn before you ever get to that possible first date.

One thing that tends to bother women is the simple question "what do u like sexually", now i can see after meeting and maybe kind of dating for a bit before asking something like this, but not in the first five minutes of talking to a stranger. Look, there are a ton of sites out there that cater to that specifically , but if your intention is to find someone real, that approach is not going to work. Not only is it rude, but it's the perfect way to lose a potential partner.

The other important issue for women as well as men is respect, after all how do you expect the partner of your dreams to drop in your lap if the first thing you do or ask for is a nude pic being sent. That is a no no. Showing that you have respect in yourself is at times very appealing to the person that you're talking to, if not then they're just not the one for you. Besides, once it's could show up anywhere!

Now to the point of "red flags"...if you sense them the best thing to do is run for dear life. You'll thank yourself later.

If at any time the conversation you're having starts to make you uncomfortable express it. If the person suddenly loses interest, don't worry it's not you, it will be obvious that they're looking for a FWB (friends with benefits) type situation and if that's not what you want then don't bother, it's not worth your time.

Hopefully this helps a little...good luck!

Taking The First Date Plunge

Howdy There Buckaroos, Captain Bob here with another round of dating tips.

Hopefully by now you have begun correspondence with one, two or possibly a few members of the opposite sex. If not, keep your stick on the ice and your fishing pole in the water it’s just a matter of time before you score a goal, get a bite on your line or perhaps even both.

For those of you who have begun the art of correspondence, you and your potential partner are hopefully ready to take that next step and go on a first date. With the ease of dating anonymity on the internet, I can’t help but leave a few words of caution. To all the men out there, it should be the woman’s choice and her choice alone whether or not she feels ready or not to take that next step with you and meet up for a first date.

No matter what you say or do, it still boils down to her choice. Guys, this may seem like a massive speed bump or immovable wall but she has to be sure that she feels comfortable with you. Captain Bob is right there with you in the trenches. My lady and I are taking it slow until she feels ready. I feel confident that I will pass her strict and through screening process with flying colors.

If you’ve read this far, I believe congratulations are in order. This means you have been approved for your first date. For first timers to internet dating, the first meet up can be really nerve-racking and down scary. It is essentially a blind date even if you have exchanged pictures and what not. Even some of us veterans get butterflies now and again.

There is a simple trick to making the first day go extremely smoothly. Through your correspondence, you and your potential partner have been dropping hints as to likes and dislikes. The smart dater makes sure to note both the likes and dislikes. A gift on the first date is not mandatory but highly recommended. Flowers are always a good stand by. However if you are willing to be a little more daring, try finding a gift that fits her personality. If music has come up in your chats, perhaps a CD of an artist in a genre he or she has expressed interest in.

Selecting the place for a date can be hard but it doesn’t have to be. Captain Bob recommends going to a coffee house. Avoid Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. These are the coffee equivalent of fast food. If you want to have a shot at conversation, avoid the rush hours. If you are in Hartford, Connecticut, Captain Bob recommends JoJo’s Café on Pratt Street. If you don’t feel like staying put, a cup of coffee and your date can take the conversation on the road for a nice walk. With a little luck, the weather will be perfect.

Have pleasant casual conversations. PAY ATTENTION. The worst thing you could do on a date is not pay attention. Paying attention gives you many avenues for conversation. Once the coffee is done, this becomes a turning point. If for some reason you feel that the date is not going well and that can happen, this gives you an exit. Politely thank him or her for the coffee and conversation but be honest with them. Nobody wants to be led on date after date with the false hope of the possibility a relationship building. If you are not getting the negative vibes, ask them if they would like to get a second cup of coffee or perhaps even a second date.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is a blog worth reading...

Guidance on Higher Love, Soulmates and Awakening the Divine Feminine. How to Attract Your True Spiritual and Romantic Partner or create Higher Love in Your existing Relationship..Click Here!

You're In The "Friend Zone" And Your Situation Seems Next To Impossible Right Now…

Don't worry guys, i know , no one wants to really be in the friend zone.But how many movies are out there that show that sometimes the friend turns into the perfect companion, boyfriend, husband?

Now, don't get me wrong, i know being in the friend zone sucks, but sometimes it's also necessary so that you can learn more about women in a more positive way.

I know how it feels. The both of you probably have something great going on; you absolutely love hanging out, being together with her, beyond a shadow of a doubt...

She feels the same too... she likes you, but ONLY as a friend. You seemed cool about it, but beneath that external façade, deep-rooted within your inner gut, you know you want something ‘much more’ than that.

Truth is, your heart longs to get past the “friends” stage and be that guy she “falls for” more than anything else... and you're probably shaking your head, confused as hell and feeling terribly unsure on what to do to progress to the ‘next level’ with her.

Does that sound familiar at all?
You're falling madly for her… you just know she's "the one"... the one who causes your palms to sweat, your heart to beat faster, and your stomach to flip whenever you hear her voice, smell her perfume, or even sense her being nearby.

"The one".

And as your affection for her grows stronger by the day, so does your feelings of insecurity … mainly because you couldn't tell whether or not she felt the same way.

…Yet at the same time, like a jittery, scorching hot pressure cooker dying to blow its top, it's tearing you apart, more than you even care to admit… as you become more self-conscious and uneasy around her, fearing you might just “screw things up” if you confessed your true feelings for her.
It's Killing You Inside...

You're constantly guessing...

What if you finally decide to 'bite the bullet' and pour it all out; revealing how you truly feel for her, and as you're asking her to be your girlfriend, the only words that could come out of her shaky voice was…

"l... I... like you... but... can we just stay as friends?"


Your heart will shatter to pieces… your world, crumbling before your very own eyes… like a TON of bricks has fallen over your head… pounding mercilessly on your already weakened knees and shoulders.

Imagine the embarrassment, the depression and the PAIN you'll feel....

Imagine how AWKWARD it'll be for her then?

You obviously DON'T want that to happen as

Your Friendship Will NEVER Be The Same Again...

Honestly i feel really terrible for the guys that get stuck in "the zone", but at the same time i don't get it. I just can't seem to understand why men get so upset when you tell them you love them as a friend.

With the help of my male friends (oops) i've come to realize that is it a real problem that men have when dealing with women. NO ONE wants to be "the friend".
Maybe it's an ego thing, who knows, but there is help out there believe it or not.
There are countless Ebooks that help you get out of the ZONE...
I was blessed enough to come into contact with someone on the infamous Twitter that gave me a link to such a book and according to him it has a very success rate.

So anyone that's interested give it a try, after all, what could it hurt right? Click Here!