Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taking The First Date Plunge

Howdy There Buckaroos, Captain Bob here with another round of dating tips.

Hopefully by now you have begun correspondence with one, two or possibly a few members of the opposite sex. If not, keep your stick on the ice and your fishing pole in the water it’s just a matter of time before you score a goal, get a bite on your line or perhaps even both.

For those of you who have begun the art of correspondence, you and your potential partner are hopefully ready to take that next step and go on a first date. With the ease of dating anonymity on the internet, I can’t help but leave a few words of caution. To all the men out there, it should be the woman’s choice and her choice alone whether or not she feels ready or not to take that next step with you and meet up for a first date.

No matter what you say or do, it still boils down to her choice. Guys, this may seem like a massive speed bump or immovable wall but she has to be sure that she feels comfortable with you. Captain Bob is right there with you in the trenches. My lady and I are taking it slow until she feels ready. I feel confident that I will pass her strict and through screening process with flying colors.

If you’ve read this far, I believe congratulations are in order. This means you have been approved for your first date. For first timers to internet dating, the first meet up can be really nerve-racking and down scary. It is essentially a blind date even if you have exchanged pictures and what not. Even some of us veterans get butterflies now and again.

There is a simple trick to making the first day go extremely smoothly. Through your correspondence, you and your potential partner have been dropping hints as to likes and dislikes. The smart dater makes sure to note both the likes and dislikes. A gift on the first date is not mandatory but highly recommended. Flowers are always a good stand by. However if you are willing to be a little more daring, try finding a gift that fits her personality. If music has come up in your chats, perhaps a CD of an artist in a genre he or she has expressed interest in.

Selecting the place for a date can be hard but it doesn’t have to be. Captain Bob recommends going to a coffee house. Avoid Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. These are the coffee equivalent of fast food. If you want to have a shot at conversation, avoid the rush hours. If you are in Hartford, Connecticut, Captain Bob recommends JoJo’s CafĂ© on Pratt Street. If you don’t feel like staying put, a cup of coffee and your date can take the conversation on the road for a nice walk. With a little luck, the weather will be perfect.

Have pleasant casual conversations. PAY ATTENTION. The worst thing you could do on a date is not pay attention. Paying attention gives you many avenues for conversation. Once the coffee is done, this becomes a turning point. If for some reason you feel that the date is not going well and that can happen, this gives you an exit. Politely thank him or her for the coffee and conversation but be honest with them. Nobody wants to be led on date after date with the false hope of the possibility a relationship building. If you are not getting the negative vibes, ask them if they would like to get a second cup of coffee or perhaps even a second date.

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